Warnbro School Re-invents Maths Learning for Better Grades

Warnbro School Re-invents Maths Learning for Better Grades

In response to changes to the Mathematics syllabus in 2015, teachers at Living Waters Lutheran College created and published their very own Mathematics textbooks to better meet student needs.

This innovative move came after teachers at the College found that some students struggled to understand and learn from the textbooks provided to them. Led by Head of Mathematics, Mr. Darshan Gendah, the Mathematics Department collaborated to re-invent Mathematics education at Living Waters Lutheran College by creating two new textbooks designed to complement classroom learning and conceptualise mathematical problems.

According to Mr. Gendah, a learning resource was needed to better address the diverse needs of students. The helpful mathematics textbooks have been specifically designed to cater to a variety of learning styles, therefore addressing student needs better.

Mathematics Applications – Unit 1 and Mathematics Applications – Unit 2 were published in December 2016 and aimed at students who have completed Year 10 and are working towards achieving the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) examination in a variety of Mathematics courses.

The textbooks have been in use now for 5 years and have already had a significant impact on student learning. For students who have used the new textbooks, the College has reported an overall improvement in grades.

For College Captain, Stephanie Swift, the textbooks helped her to achieve the results she sought in Year 11 and work towards university entrance in Year 12. “This workbook made Year 11 maths a breeze for me! The layout is clear and logical, including language that is easy to understand. Additionally, a wide variety of coherent examples were included throughout that made understanding difficult concepts quite easy. I cannot stress enough how much the workbook has helped me through Mathematics Applications,” she said.

Teachers at the College worked tirelessly to ensure the textbooks were simple, logical and easy to follow. Designed as a guidebook to stimulate and challenge students, the textbooks provide a clear and comprehensive guide to allow students to approach their studies.

Each textbook comprises notes, formulae, worked examples and support for using technology to solve mathematical problems. Included at the end of each textbook are worked examples to allow students to self-correct and develop a greater understanding of every concept.

Year 11 and 12 students have been grateful that their teachers were willing to go to such lengths to ensure student success. “The Mathematics Applications books were extremely helpful in creating an understanding of each of the maths topics I was being taught throughout the year. It had a clear layout that was easily readable to make taking notes effortless. Each chapter had simple work examples that helped me through each topic before moving onto the questions. I’m so thankful to have had access to these books to help me pass the subject with flying colours,” Nicole Cobb (Year 12) said.

The Mathematics Team are now working on creating textbooks for Mathematics Essentials, Methods and Specialist courses.

Living Waters Lutheran College has a proud history of innovative teaching and learning, with the introduction of these tailor-made textbooks just one example. Principal, Mr Francois Pienaar said, “Our educators are encouraged to think outside the box and challenge the way traditional subjects are delivered for the benefit of our students. It is exciting to witness the constant evolution of education in our classrooms.”

Living Waters Lutheran College also recently introduced the Elevate Program where students in Years 10 to 12 undertake high impact study-skills workshops and ongoing sessions throughout the year aimed at improving study skills and performance. Study skills are also incorporated into our Pastoral Program, encouraging our students to discover their God-given potential. Clink on the link above to access further information and learn how Living Waters Lutheran College responds to the changing needs of education.