Welcome from the Head of School
Students begin to develop a strong sense of their own identity during the senior years of their schooling and their future directions become increasingly important to them. They start to view themselves as adult members of society and become increasingly self-reliant. Consequently, they begin playing a major role in the decisions that affect their lives and shape their learning. Additionally, their personal goals and future directions assume a much greater importance to them.
Living Waters Lutheran College acknowledges and understands these factors and has structures and pathways to equip senior school students for the foundation areas in their lives; that is, for paid and unpaid work; present and future study; for family and community life; and for leisure and recreation. Accordingly, curricular and co-curricular opportunities are provided for the spiritual, academic and personal development of each student.
Mrs Deborah Kluczniak, Head of Secondary School
Aims of Secondary Schooling
The Secondary School promotes and supports the spiritual, academic and personal development of each student as they make the transition toward adulthood and their future careers.
More specifically, the Secondary School focusses on:
- Assisting and encouraging each student in their faith journey;
- Engendering positive attitudes toward learning and a willingness to continue learning beyond the senior school years;
- Developing students’ knowledge and understanding in their subject areas;
- Enhancing students’ skills for locating and retrieving information; processing ideas and information; and communicating their understanding;
- Developing students’ self-confidence, self-reliance and sense of personal responsibility;
- Challenging students to be sensitive to each other, live in community and serve the needs of others.