Warm greetings from the Living Waters Lutheran College community. Inspired by God’s love, our vision is to be a high achieving community that cares. This message serves as your family’s special invitation to join us.

Living Waters is a safe, friendly, respectful and encouraging learning environment. We value and develop each person’s strengths. Our College nurtures, inspires and challenges our students in every area of their education.

If you would like to be part of our College community next year, and your son or daughter meets the selection criteria, the first year of their tuition and levies will be free. School fees will commence starting from the second year of enrolment.

The 2025 offer of free tuition and levies for the first year, is available for children entering Year 1, Years 3 to 6, and Years 8 to 10. Favour will be given to applicants whose family values closely align with those of our College.

To enquire about the eligibility of your child/children, please contact Sophie Graham, our Enrolments Officer, via phone 9593 9534. Sophie warmly welcomes your enquiry and will be happy to assist you. Please note that places are limited. I encourage you to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity at your earliest convenience.

We look forward to the possibility of welcoming your family into our College community and partnering with you in your child’s educational journey.

Blessings and warm regards,

Who We Are

Living Waters Lutheran College is an independent Christian College providing quality 21st Century education from Kindergarten to Year 12. Our purpose is to Nurture, Challenge, and Inspire our students.  

We nurture the whole child. We understand that student wellbeing is essential to achieve success.  We offer a safe and caring environment where students are empowered to think critically and strive to do their best. We challenge and inspire students to become resilient, adaptable forward thinkers, who can make a difference.  We embrace changing technologies as we bring the latest developments in education to our programs.  Students are well prepared for tertiary study and future careers. 

At Living Waters Lutheran College, we Nurture, Challenge, and Inspire our students to achieve personal excellence and live a life of integrity beyond the College.

The best thing I love about the school is that we work together as a family orientated school for the best of the children.

Enquire today

To enquire about this offer, please contact Sophie Graham, our Enrolments Officer, via phone 9593 9534.

Parent Name
Child's Name